Remember when I used to do Illustration Friday all the time? Yeah, me either. It was a long time ago. I thought I'd give it another whirl using it as a little drawing exercise each week. "I'll just keep it loose and finish it in under an hour." Uh that did not happen this week. I couldn't resist the mermaid pull. Which will probably be one of many in the IF pool this week, but it was new to me. I hear mermaids are the new zombie/werewolf/vampire in the YA world. And I say bring it on.
I wanted to make her a bit fish-like, and other-worldly, while still keeping it for a middle grade audience age-- as opposed to the sexy-siren mermaid version. What do you think? Hmm maybe topless mermaids too scandalous for that age?
I'm still going to do a bit more with the lighting and a couple of other niggling things (eg I'm not loving the rough oval edge.) But there she is.