The latest Books & Goodies is here! "Pipsie Nature Detective: The Disappearing Caterpillar" is the perfect read for spring! Written by Rick DeDonato and illustrated by my friend, the wonderful Tracy Bishop.
I've rounded up a bunch of fun crafts and goodies I think Pipsie would approve of!
(From left to right.)
- Paper Butterfly Garland
- Caterpillars From Recycled Plastic Easter Eggs
- Caterpillar Changing to Butterfly Craft
- Scalloped Stickers
- Blue Butterfly Wings project (holy moly check out their site, The Cardboard Collective! It is crazy awesome.)
- Butterfly Life Cycle Craft
- Butterfly print by Crayon Dreamer
BONUS: Pipsie and her turtle sidekick, Alfred, have a great site filled with fun activities and free printables! Check it out here. So fun.
Get your copy of "Pipsie Nature Detective: The Disappearing Caterpillar" here!
And you can always check out more “Books & Goodies” posts here.