My new picture book Jabari Jumps is all about "using your bravery" as we say in my house. I thought it would be fun to collect some good examples of that. First up, is this adorable hippo named Fiona who lives at the Cincinnati Zoo. She needs to learn how to use a ramp to get in and out of her pool, but its a little scary. Can she use her bravery? Click here to see!
I'm working on a Luna post, but in the meantime I'm in need of a pick-me-up. Oh yes, this will do nicely:
First Flight This short film, (which is actually an advertisement for a telecommunications company,) of two women flying for the first time is wonderful. Don't you want to be friends with them? Someone get them their own reality show asap!
Did you ever read the picture book "The Bedspread" by Sylvia Fair? It was one of my favorites growing up. Its about two elderly sisters who live in a huge house, in either end of a long bed, and decide to embroider their bedspread. Its magical. These women remind me of them.
Click here to watch the whole video.
Oh Health Insurance, let me count the ways
So this is how talking to our health insurance felt like today:
-- with a hint of Dolores Umbridge mixed in.
I wish I had a bit of Sarah Silverman in me, but unfortunately, I was all Tim Meadows. Sighh.
Kid President
I meant to post this video for Mother's Day-- its so sweet.
Have you heard of Kid President? He's pretty amazing. This video explains more.
"We Will Live Again" Film
My friends over at Brooklyn Underground Films have just released their latest short "We Will Live Again" on Vimeo and it was selected to be Short Of The Week!
The film follows a small group of people who cryogenically freeze bodies after death in hope that they will be revived sometime in the future.
The subject is totally fascinating, (and a bit baffling?) and of course beautifully shot. Watch the whole thing here!
Congrats you guys!
Veronica. Mars.
Anyone else freaking out about this? I still can't believe it's happening.
So who else can't wait to go back to Neptune?
Video: Crush
This video of how designer Rachel Antonoff's parents met is adorable. Plus it has a bunch of my fav actors in it!
I guess it's dorky of me, but it totally makes me want to make a video of how G and I got together. Aw. Happy Valentine's Day folks.
Oh Miley
I can't get this Miley cover, by Postmodern Jukebox and the Tee-Tones, out of my head:
So good, right?
This Ke$ha one is pretty sweet too:
…Cause it's true.
Boss Baby
I think I can speak for the both of us when I say my husband and I totally relate to the "new assistant" character these days:
"IQ of a genius and body of baby", indeed.
Christmas Caroling w/ Amy Poehler & Billy Eichner This made me laugh so hard. Yeah it's a little mean (--especially the baby name part! I laughed, but as a new mom (not to mention, as a lady with a "unique" name,) also cringed. Geez Billy…) But basically, the manic screaming and general aggressiveness won me over. Ha.
Calvin & Hobbes Documentary!
So who's seen the Calvin and Hobbes documentary, Dear Mr. Watterson?? Did you love it? (No surprise I'm pretty excited about it.)
I think we're gonna wait and try to see it in our local theater, but apparently you can order it now as well. Which is tempting. You can hear a short interview with the director here on NPR.
Also, did you see this interview with him? The first one in years. Get the whole thing in the December issue of Mental Floss.
Working Wednesday-- F*ck You, Pay Me.
So the title made me laugh-- NSFW-- but seriously a brilliant talk on developing contracts for your creative business.
Brought to you by Creative Mornings.
The Divided Brain
[youtube=] Found this clip on TED the other day:
Psychiatrist Iain McGilchrist describes the real differences between the left and right halves of the human brain. It's not simply "emotion on the right, reason on the left," but something far more complex and interesting.
Plus its animated! ( by RSA Animate.)
From Critic Jebidiah Atkinson
Did you guys catch this hilarious SNL skit a couple weeks ago?
It made me laugh so hard.
The back story is that it was the 150th anniversary of the Gettysburg Address and in honor of the occasion, a Pennsylvania newspaper, Patriot News, issued a 150-year-old apology to President Abraham Lincoln for calling his Gettysburg Address “silly remarks.”
Jean Claude-- What?!
Have you guys seen this crazy commercial featuring none other than Mr Jean Claude Van Damme? (Oh, and Enya. Natch.)
Also the prettiest vehicle commercial I've seen in a long time, no?
(Here's a behind the scenes video, that I found hilarious, of the director explaining the stunt to Van Damme: "So the trucks will move apart and you'll do a split, mmkay?" Oh sure, no problem. Ha.)
Films to Watch
Have you heard of Stories We Tell? It's a new documentary by Sarah Polley about her late mother's affair. It looks wonderful.!
It reminds me a bit of this documentary, In A Dream. Which is one of my favorite films of all time:
It's amazing.
Saul Bass Tribute
Did you catch the Saul Bass tribute on Google earlier this week for his birthday? I'm a huge fan and I think they did a pretty fabulous job.
PS. NESCBWI Conference wrap-up and overview of how my workshop went (spoiler: super fun and awesome) next week!
Friday Funnies
First, I should mention that I've been working hard on a site re-design. So don't freak out if sometime next week stuff looks real different around here. (Actually the blog won't change much, but the rest of site will be getting pared down and streamlined.) I'm excited about it! Now, on to fun Friday stuff:
Let's start with the furry cuteness. I've been dying over this photo my brother Sam took in China:
We have a husky who is quite good at "Leave It" but apparently, we need to up the ante!
And this is making me laugh today:
And free shipping over at Society 6 until Sunday!
If you're in the mood for a new phone cover, perhaps you'd like one of these, by your's truly?
Have a great weekend folks!