Halloween Costume Ideas

nancy Drew I'm sorry to say that for the last few years G and I have basically sat out Halloween. Costume-wise I mean. (Except for last year, when we quite literally sat it out.)  We've decided we're bringing Halloween fun back this year. And I'm going to be Nancy Drew. (What? Fun doesn't = Nancy Drew to you?)

Like a good little detective, I'm pawing through old covers to perfect my look. She looks pretty foxy above, but I was thinking more classic "Nancy". In my opinion that's closer to these:

Nancy Drew

Sweater + white shirt collar+ skirt + bobby socks and loafers. My hair is pretty long, so I think I'll curl it and wear it in a pony tail.

Or maybe down, like this?

Plus a magnifying glass. Think I need to hold a Nancy Drew book too? Now if only I had a Ned handy... or a Hardy Boy!

Did you have a favorite book from the series? I totally read them all one summer, but haven't picked one up in forever. Think it's time for a visit.