Have you seen this interview from the Colbert Report? (Part one here.)
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OK6UtU-NzZE]
[edit: oops that clip got taken down. You can watch it here on hulu.]
Maurice Sendak is hilarious, as expected. I love his whole sassy, frank attitude. He's awesome.
And sort of random, but go with it: Did you ever read "How Does It Feel To Be Old?" by Norma Farber, and illustrated by my favorite, Trina Schart Hyman? Written in prose, an old woman tells her granddaughter the benefits and tribulations of being old. I read it a lot growing up and one of my favorite parts was about not caring what other people thought of her. How she was old and so could pretty much say anything, about whatever, to anybody. (I'm pretty sure the illustration is of her yelling at a grocery store clerk about the price of bananas. If I can find it I'll post here. It's amazing.) Anyways, those interviews reminded me so much of that book.
I just ordered it, but maybe I'll ask my mom if she still has it. I'm so curious to read it as an adult.