March Goals wrap up

animal spot illustrations

Here's how I did on my March goals for The Meetup.

  1. Finish first draft dummy for crit next week. I didn't finish in time.  And honestly, I felt a little hesitant sharing such a rough project before I actually met them all.  However, the group is great, and my portfolio was received warmly and insightfully.  I'm looking forward to learning a lot from them. I'm bringing it next time (in April) for sure.
  2. Implement changes after the crit. See above.
  3. Update Hai account. Done. Check it out here.  And I was picked to be Featured Artist of the week!
  4. Prepare some blog posts in advance– with a goal of consistently posting three times a week. I've been doing this, but um forgot to post at all one week.  blargh.
  5. Update my site with new work. Done!  You can check out my new work here and here.
  6. Look into joining another portfolio site. I've started some research and its down to and Thoughts? Suggestions?  I should ask my crit group about this.
  7. Finish Aeolidia theme.
  8. Find another SCBWI conference to attend. I found one in June, in NJ right by where my grandmother lives. Perfect.

How did everyone else do?

In other exciting news, the rain has stopped!! and the sun is peeking out!  Hooray!  Unfortunately, most of RI is underwater.  But hopefully this means things will start to dry out.

PS. I think I'm going to use those drawings as part of a promotional piece to send out...