Last weekend we went up to Providence. Not only is it so nice to get out of Brooklyn every once and a while, but Providence is such a nice destination. But we were no slackers on our "vacation" weekend that's for sure. We packed in visits with friends, an afternoon at the Atheneum Library, a screening of Juno, lots of food outings, a cookout and even a trip to the YMCA.
One of the highlights was getting to explore Nina's textile studio at RISD, which also involved a trip to the "yarn room":
It was amazing. Colors and textures everywhere. Fabric and string and buttons and looms. The best part was we got to touch everything. Almost everything. I even got some fluffy silver yarn from Nina's stash.
Did I mention we ate really well that weekend? Besides the dinner we made at my parents house, which was pretty impressive-- hamburgers, hotdogs, assorted veggies grilled outside, plus salads etc--and the bagel and lox brunch we had with Alissa and Gretchen, and the Meeting Street Cafe cookies Gerald and Skip picked up for us, we went to two great restaurants. The first was this little place on Benefit Street, Solomon's Korean Market, and the other was far down Atwells Ave, west side territory, called Chilangos. Both were pretty cheap, the food was great and you got tons of it. And on the way to catch the bus home, my Dad was kind enough to wait in the car while we ran into Geoff's, the sandwich eatery of my childhood. I'm happy to report that not much has changed, though the pickles seemed smaller and the staff considerably nicer.
Oh Providence, you are so good to me. Sigh....