So I've been keeping this quiet until it was official, but the papers are signed, and I can't believe it but: I HAVE A BOOK DEAL. (Yes, those caps mean I'm screaming at you.)
I'm very proud to announce that Jabari Jumps!, written and illustrated by your's truly, will be published by Candlewick Press and coming to you in time for Father's Day 2017.
(I'm having a hard time writing a super heartfelt post about how much this all means to me. So I'm going the animated gif route instead:)
I am so excited. And nervous. Giddy. I have been working towards this for a long time and am so happy the stars aligned and matched Candlewick and my little book up together. It is such a good fit. And wow, I will be in good company. WOW. I can't even...
The manuscript edits are finished and soon dummy illustration edits will begin. And then, I'll get to illustrate a book.
A BOOK. Guys:
Anyways, I can't wait for you to meet Jabari, his baby sister and his dad. But in the meantime, I'll of course keep you updated on how its all going.
Ok let's wrap this up with Prince:
Ha, ha.