The wonderful blog Modish Biz Tips is having a Monthly Goal Meetup the first Friday of every month. She's asking people to list 5 business-related goals to meet within a month.
So here are mine:
1. Contact 3 illustration agents in regards to repping me.
2. Go over and update contact list.
3. Finish designing postcard mailer, get it printed and mailed.
4. Email contact list announcing new site and new work, asking if they'd like to be on my mailing list.
5. Get "Hello" postcard printed. (That's it at the top.)
6. List two new items on Etsy.
7. Outline a 6 month marketing plan for myself.
8. Update my site and Hire an Illustrator with new work.
These are all little(ish) naggling things that I kind of dread doing. Mostly. I hope they're the kind of things that are not so bad, or even fun, once I get going.
I think putting your goals out there is a great thing to be doing. My friend Jane and I have been having regular meetings to talk and keep ourselves on track. Last year in Brooklyn I was in a similar group who met every two or three weeks to discuss progress on our individual projects. I'm excited to have one more outlet to keep myself moving in the right direction!