Oh dear, where did April go? It seems I was busy with other things, as usually I'm better at crossing items off my list... However, one big thing checked off was getting a first draft of my book dummy done. I got some feedback from my crit group, so that was really great!
- Finish first draft dummy/layout for crit next week.
- Implement changes after the crit.
- Sign up for paid portfolio site. I think I decided on ChildrensIllustrators.com Waiting for a couple checks to clear.
- Sign up and organize updates for free portfolio/illustration news sites. I guess this isn't really targeted marketing, but it can't hurt to have your work in more places, right? So far I've joined Society 6, and Creative Shake. I have a few more on my list. Its one of those things thats time consuming to set up, but once its done you just have to update periodically. Like I said, it can't hurt.
- Continue working on posting regularly here. Uh clearly, no.
- Work on a new postcard design: Ergh. According to people in my crit group summer is the worst time to send out promos. Which completely makes sense. I think by the time I get the design done and postcards printed it would May, which is pushing it. It might be better to just send out portfolios to a small group of potential clients. hmmm.
- Organize promotions effort. Still working on that.
- Work on ice cream piece for portfolio. Haven't touched it.
Unfortunately, (well for this list,) May is going to be crazy. Birthdays, traveling, house hunting... So I don't think I'm going to add anything to the list. Just keep working on the above, and polishing up my dummy. I do have ideas for targeting new illustration clients, as well as some site changes, but I think between my current work and all the above, I'll be busy enough.
- Polish up the dummy and get it ready to send around.
- Sign up for ChildrensIllustrators.com
- Sign up and organize updates for free portfolio/illustration news sites.
- Continue working on posting regularly here.
- Work on making portfolios to send around to select clients.
- Organize promotions effort.
- Work on ice cream piece for portfolio.
- Send out a newsletter. (You can sign up here if you'd like!)
How is everyone else doing?