I'm blushing: The lovely and talented Peggy has nominated me for a "Brillante Weblog Award!" As I told her, even having people here reading any of this is sort of a surprise in and of itself, so this is exciting.
The rules of accepting are as follows:
- Put the logo on your blog.
- Add a link to the person who awarded you.
- Nominate at least 7 other blogs.
- Add links to those blogs on yours.
- Leave a message for your nominees on their blogs.
So I get to talk about the blogs I love! Which is something I've been meaning to do ever since I started doing this. I've been so inspired by all of these people and I think I put off writing about them because I just admire them so much its a little intimidating to deign to write about them. But now I have to.
I remember two years ago being like "Blogs? Oh god, I don't read those. Why bother?" But then I stumbled across
Posy Gets Cozy. And oh my was I hooked. My first blog and still one of my all time favorites, its a must read every day. She writes with such humor and candor, plus the photos are gorgeous ( she makes organizing her kitchen shelves look incredible!!) and her work is out of this world! AND she's just finished a
2. Perusing Etsy, years ago, looking for a present for a dear friend of mine, I found
Ashley G. Its been so wonderful to read about her work and her life. To watch her business grow and her work evolve has been exciting and inspiring. I am now part owner of this perfect print, which made the loveliest anniversary present:
3. I "met" Emily from
A Black Apple after posting a message on Etsy looking for an apartment in Brooklyn. She replied that she was moving and that her roommate would be looking to take her place. I didn't end up moving there, but I have read her blog ever since! From prints, to paintings, to stuffed dolls and ceramic models, the things this lady comes up with never ceases to amaze me. What's great is that no matter the medium or project they are all so distinctly her own.
4. I discovered
Wiksten just this year and have been drooling over her clothes ever since. I'm saving up for a dress like this:
Everything about her site and her work just seems so perfect and clean and simple. I strive for these qualities, but they mostly elude me. So its nice to see someone pull it off so effortlessly.
Two Straight Lines: an awesome mom who sews and crafts. I'm rather terrified of sewing, so its so great to see someone whip up all kinds of gorgeousness. Plus she does the
best art/craft projects with her kids. Homemade valentines, cool rockets and sweet terrariums. So inspirational. ( Plus her kids have red hair, and what can I say? I'm a sucker for redheads.)
6. KozynDan is all inspiration for me. I stumbled across this duo on Flickr of all places, but then kept seeing their work every where. I love that they create together and separately. I love that they travel for their art. And I love that they seem to have struck the perfect delicate balance between pure creativity and branching out to more commercial endeavors. They make it all look so easy and fun!
7. And The Simple Dollar. Like a lot of people, organizing my money is a huge source of frustration and stress for me. But every post lays money managing out in such a simple and straightforward manner, (plus sprinkled with personal anecdotes!) that I'm beginning to have hope for a freelancing, math-phobic lady like me.
I think I'm alternately inspired, and then just down right green-with-envy when I read about these people's lives. But in the best of ways: they've helped me reevaluate my life, its direction and what I really want. They're proof that you can forge ahead and build a life that's right for you. They don't know it, but they're a wonderful support system-- for some reason its just so encouraging to read about the simple details of other people's lives. The ups and downs, the fun pretty times and the struggles. Thank you ladies and gents.