Lemon Cucumbers and Wise Words

I was reading the blog over at Lilla Rogers Studio (--an amazing illustration agency, whose roster of artists is truly impressive and always inspirational, and of course I would die to be among them, but I'm getting off subject--) and I came across this post about Lisa Congdon's  promo card.  This sentence caught my eye:

 Here’s how it works: really good artists have lots of styles and media because they have so much talent and a delicious greed to try everything. Then, over time, the styles often morph together to become one’s own distinctive style.

That's a breath of fresh air to me.  I feel like I definitely have those tendencies--ooh look at that, let's try this... but as I read the post I realized I  tend to reign in my experimenting.  Like I'm getting off topic.  Or my because style isn't cohesive enough.  This is a good reminder that experimenting is a good thing.  And that styles are evolving creatures.  And that at some point, I guess when it's supposed to, it will all come together.  

Coming from an animation world, where you're supposed to be able to draw anything in whatever style they throw at you, its been particularly confusing for me to find my own one style.  I feel like I'm coming into it, but it can be a little scary.  Anyhow, thank you Ms Rogers for the encouragement.